I'm a walking contradiction

When coincidences happen, I've stopped saying, "That's so crazy!"

Instead I say, "of course!" because I am so good at manifesting. Of course coincidences happen like this all the time.

This Monday, the day after my email dropped about authenticity, one of my favorite creators, American Baron posts this video.

"My friends might say I don't actually sound like this, but who's that guy that my friends see?"


I'm going to contradict some previous things I've said recently.

I've told you it would be awesome to be your authentic self online, which is the version of you who's belling laughing on the floor on a Saturday night with their best friends.

Attempting to show up on camera as you do with your friends on a Saturday night wouldn't really be authentic, would it? Unless of course you had some video from that night.

Why would you be your goofy self on a Tuesday afternoon alone in your office without that rapport and banter with your friends around? That'd honestly be a little koo-koo.

Is that goofy version of you even appropriate for Instagram?


The point isn't necessarily to know how to show up, but rather how it feels when you do show up. That's what you really want. That feeling.

It's not that being goofy is the right way to be, but rather you now know that being goofy is one of the ways to behave with your friends that creates the most about of joy, bliss and love inside you.

I bet you didn't act like that on the first meeting with your now best friend.

So why put so much pressure to know how to behave on social media. Which is itself, a relationship. One where you haven't even given yourself the chance or the freedom to play around and find out who to be and how to behave.

You picked a persona and stuck with it even though you don't like it.

In most coaches cases. You picked the "guru" in an effort to keep yourself safe. Only when the world can see me as an expert, they'll respect me, they'll buy from me, my business will succeed, then I will feel safe. Then I can express my true self. Then I'll feel joy, bliss and love.

Quite the opposite of the "be, do, have" model most of you are familiar with.

What you know right now is that the way you have been showing up isn't working.

The good news is... you can change that. You just have to give yourself the permission.

If it feels scary or new or you aren't sure how to go about this transition in your messaging, come join us this Friday at 12pm PST for the Anti-Niche Series.

Click the button below for a one click sign up and I'll send you the zoom link.

See ya there,


PS - I wrote this on a whim and it poured out of me. I love it. So I'm gonna turn it into a Reel for later this week. Stay tuned.

Matthew Allyn

I help entrepreneurs become masterful storytelling and build a brand people love.

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