Abracadabra: With My Content, I Create

đŸŒ± StoryGrowth by Matt Allyn

Become a masterful storyteller and build deep connections with yourself and your audience.

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In today’s newsletter, I want to show you how to turn any moment into 5 pieces of valuable content. By utilizing these 5 pillars you will manifest your dream life, build your legacy, and grow your business all at once.


What do you think of when you hear the word abracadabra?

I remember when I was a little kid my dad would have me say the magic word, “Abracadabra!” as we stood in front of the garage door. Once I said it, magically, the garage door open all on it’s own.

Of course, I had no idea in his pocket was the garage door opener. I simply thought I was doing magic.

In Aramaic, Abracadabra translates to, “With my word I create.”

Words are magic.

It’s likely you already know how important your language is. Your words turn into thoughts and thoughts into beliefs and your beliefs create your reality.

My messaging in my content up until a year and a half ago was, “You don’t need a lot of followers or to go viral to grow your business!” True
 BUT deep down I wanted I wanted hundreds of thousands of followers.

I rejected that truth because I was afraid that as a messaging coach, if people saw that I didn’t have a ton of followers then they wouldn’t trust me. So I made my insecurities my differentiation. I figured you couldn’t shame me for being a messaging coach who “only” has 3,000 followers if I’m already telling you that having a lot of followers doesn’t matter.

It should have been pretty obvious why I couldn’t grow my account as quickly as I truly wanted.

My core messaging—aka my words which became my beliefs which became my reality—was blocking me from ever receiving my true desires.


So, I stopped hiding my true desires. I faced my fears of potential judgement as a content creation coach with a small following and made a reel owning my desires to have hundreds of thousands of followers.​

4 months later, a few reels went viral and I gained over 30,000 followers.


With my word content, I create.

Valuable Content

Content exists to provide value to people’s lives.

When coaches hear “provide value,” their minds go toward educational content. Like, “here are 5 pillars of content that will change your life” (lol)

Educational content is teaching your audience how to do something. For educational content to be truly valuable, it’s contingent on your audience taking action, which 99% of your audience isn’t doing. Sometimes, it’s not their fault. Your educational content may not actually be very actionable. (I’ll break this down further below). If they don’t do what you taught, then your content is not really very valuable. And that’s an L for you.

Consider these other ways to provide value like allowing someone to feel seen and heard by sharing your experiences in life.

If you make them feel seen and heard, they feel like you get them which creates a sense of belonging. When they feel they belong, they feel safe. When they feel safe, they can finally relax and be themselves and shed worries of judgement, guilt and shame.

What a valuable experience! All without them having to DO anything. Your audience gets immense value RIGHT AWAY.

Also consider this. If they have freed up the judgement, guilt, worry or shame holding them back from taking action, NOW taking the bold and aligned action you wanted them to do in your educational content becomes much easier to do.

How about this one?

You know when you have those A-HA mind blowing moments? You thought the world worked one way, but then you realize something in an instant and your who world-views shift.

You feel like a weight has been lifted from your shoulder and you can breaaaaath.

You are enlightened!

Having that perspective shift is so valuable. All without having to DO anything. More immediate value.

What about just being entertained? Isn’t watching a little boy cry tears of joy when he finally gets the puppy he’s been asking for for Christmas super valuable? Feeling happy and being reminded about how beautiful life can be is super valuable.

Finally, what about watching somebody just like you pursue new challenges and go for their dreams. The same dreams you’ve been thinking about, yet haven’t taken action on.

Imagine if you are a former D1 collegiate athlete. You haven’t played sports since you graduated 5 years ago, you’ve gained 20 pounds and you just don’t feel like yourself anymore. You’re wishing you had a sport to get back into and find that competitive drive again but you’re just not sure what to do.

Then you go on Instagram and watch a 26-year-old former D1 football player get into tennis for the first time after doing nothing athletic since graduating 4 years ago
 wouldn’t you feel inspired? Wouldn’t you see this person as the embodiment of the type of person you were quietly thinking of becoming?

Knowing you’re not alone in this journey and having a leader to look up to who is in the trenches doing the brave thing you have only been dreaming of is super valuable.

The 5 bolded “E” words above are the 5 types of valuable content you can make at any moment that will strengthen the relationship with your audience AND support you in manifesting your dream life exponentially quicker.

Let’s break them down further so you know exactly what to do and as a bonus, I’ll share a moment in my life and how I would turn that into one of these pieces of content.

The Beauty of the Pillars

You’ve probably had the experience of trying to say EVERYTHING in one piece of content and then trying to create the post becomes overwhelming and you end up creating nothing.

Once you understand these 5 pillars, it will give you more clarity on what information and details you should actually include in this one post and what information can actually be used or a different post. All the time my clients feel a deep sense of relief knowing they don’t have to say everything in one post, but rather they can now create 3 pieces of content from one idea.

The moment of my life that I will use in today’s example is my first speaking gig I did a few weekends ago in Phoenix, AZ. I will use this weekend to show you how I would turn it into 5 pieces of content while pointing out why it provides value to my audience AND how these pieces of content helps me manifest my dream life.

Please note, I’m not going to make all 5 pieces of content about this moment of my life. Just because you have ideas doesn’t mean you haveto share them. I’d prefer you to do this exercise and you choose which ideas (1) most excite you to share and (2) will be most valuable for your audience.

For this trip to Arizona, I used 2 of the pillars to create 2 pieces of content from this weekend (which I will link to below).

1. Experience

This is your classic story.

Any great story simply showcases an internal change in a character over time.

Meaning, the character (you) overcame a conflict and changed.

The value you offer your audience when sharing this experience is in allowing them to see themselves in your challenges and, because your audience isn’t on the other side of that challenge, when you share the lesson you learned (how you changed) they will see you as a leader.

This is one of the posts I created about the speaking gig (watch it here). I shared how I wasn’t trusting myself in 2024 (the conflict) and how I began transforming that relationship (the change) which lead to manifesting the speaking gig (the result).

2. Education

I wasn’t shitting on educational content above, it’s still super important to building authority with your audience. Educational content is also great conversion content. It can create a desire to learn more which usually leads them to purchasing your offer.

The mistake most coaches make with educational content is that it’s not that valuable. It’s usually just more information.

What makes educational content truly valuable is imagining it’s like Ikea instructions.

If I buy a dresser at Ikea, it’s in a million pieces. All I have to do is follow every step of the instructions and in 3 hours I have a dresser. Bam! Simple.

Your audience should be able to save your piece of content and the next time they go take action, they open their saved folder on Instagram, pull up your piece of content and follow it and actually get the thing done.

For the speaking gig, I could share with you the 4 most important things I did with my content in the months leading up to the speaking gig so when I got there over half of the attendees knew about me and were excited to meet me. Then, if you had a speaking gig coming up, you could save that post and say, “awesome, next week I’m going to do all 4 of these things to make my next speaking gig even more successful.”

3. Enlightenment

As mentioned above, enlightenment is breaking your audiences current beliefs or shifting their perspective. A big mistake creators make in content is talking AT their audiences.

For example, if I say the solution to getting over your fear of judgement on social media is to just post more and then I make a piece of content that says, “Want to get over your fear of judgement? Just post more!”

That’s not super effective. You are 0% more likely to post than you were before you read that.

But if I say,

I didn’t get over my divorce by staying single. I got over my divorce by dating again. Sure, there’s a period of time to reconnect to myself, but if I want to find a life partner, I gotta get out there again. When I start dating and notice I’m attracting more women like my ex
 I have to pause and wonder why? What old patterns keep showing up and where do I still need to heal? I wouldn’t come to that realization by staying single forever.

Likewise, you don’t get over your fear judgement by never posting content. You post content and when you get the hate that you’re so afraid of, you get the opportunity to really “do the work.”

Now you may say, “wow that makes so much sense,” and you feel far more empowered to get out there and begin speaking your truth. You perspective has shifted. You are more enlightened than you were before.

Knowing how to create an enlightenment post requires you to understand (1) the limiting belief your audience currently has, (2) the solution to their problem, (3) then using a metaphor or story to get them thinking, “yes that makes sense” and then you say, “well that is the same as this.”

If I were to make an enlightenment post about my speaking trip, I would want to identify what limiting belief my audience has about around speaking gigs.

(1) Maybe they believe because they don’t have enough followers they aren’t ready to be a speaker.

(2) The solution I would offer is to use content as a testing ground for their unique ideas that would be worthy of being a speaker an event.

(3) A metaphor that I might use is practice in sports. You would never be ready to be the starting pitcher in a state championship game without practice. Content is your practice so prepare you for your dream of being world-class speaker.

This works well because I am in the business of helping you create content.

4. Embodiment

This is where the abracadabra comes in.

Embodiment content is you pursuing your goals and dreams.

This content is for YOU above all.

Own what you want and who you want to become and do the scary thing and go after it!

Not for content. For you!

(Just so happens, you can film the process and share the stories along the way)

Please know, it’s not about having perfect results, it’s about you, as a leader, going first for your tribe and embodying the values you stand for.

It’s a running coach committing to a sub 3-hour marathon because that’s a goal they have for themselves. They aren’t waiting for their business to grow to X dollars a month or the perfect circumstances. They just go after what they want!

and of course
 chances are it will be your best content.

  1. It doesn’t matter if you “fail.” Even if the running coach runs a 3:10 marathon, you’re still faster than 99.9% of the world. And that’s who your ideal clients is.
  2. If you know you were going to share the process of your goal with the world, how much more intentional would you be about the pursuit? The answer is: A LOT MORE. Which is great, because then you’ll reach your goal faster.

This is the second post I made about this (watch here)

As the caption states, watch me enjoy my first speaking gig with the most loving (and not forceful) energy imaginable. By pursuing a life I love and challenging myself to embody more of the loving man I want to be, you get a chance to align with my values and see me as a leader doing the work.

But remember, I did this for ME first.

5. Entertainment

Just have some fun dammit!

Post a carousel of your favorite photos and videos of the year.

Make a day in the life video where you’re getting coffee with friends, hitting a workout, playing with your cat and curling up on the couch with popcorn and the newest episode of Severance.

If we’re going to hire you as our coach, we want to see that you live a joyful life.

So go have fun and share the small joyful moments of your life.

We love that.

For the speaking event, I could easily share a carousel of some of the highlights from the weekend in Phoenix.

  • basically in tears watching Haley (the host) receive flowers from her three daughters
  • doing CrossFit for my friend Megan’s birthday
  • playing tennis with an influencer @baselineconversation
  • screaming TITTY with 50 women
  • going to my first Spring Training baseball game

just. fun.

Abracadabra: Building a Legacy

You are a legacy builder. A trailblazer.

You are here to change the world.

Content isn’t about being perfect, it’s using each one of these 5 pillars to uncover how to most effectively communicate your message and build your legacy. It’s about boldly owning the change you want to create and bringing your tribe along for the ride.

When it’s time to take your legacy to the next level, thanks to your content, you’ll have had hundreds of reps articulating exactly what you’re working to accomplish.

That’s what this email is.

Is it perfect. No.

But it’s more clear than it was 3 months ago.

If you’ve been here for a while, you have read about these concepts before, but it’s evolved. It’s more clear.

You are a legacy builder and it’s time to build!

The StoryGrowth Framework begins on Tuesday 3/18. I will live coach you through these 5 content pillars over the next 6 weeks.

You will know exactly what to post every week to begin building your legacy and beloved brand online. There are frameworks, scripts, examples, additional live coaching calls with me, and a community on Circle of other legacy builders using content to change the world as well.

​Click here to sign up for the StoryGrowth Framework and join the community.

“With my content, I create.”

Can’t wait to see you there,


PS - Book a 20 minute call with me to see if this is the right next step for you. This is not a sales call. This is to make sure you are making the right investment for YOU. Click here to set up a call.


Matthew Allyn

I help entrepreneurs become masterful storytelling and build a brand people love.

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đŸŒ± StoryGrowth by Matt Allyn Become a masterful storyteller and build deep connections with yourself and your audience. 👋 First time reading? CLICK HERE to subscribe! Here’s a BTS into how I organize my newsletters in Notion As you can see it’s organized by Year → Month → Newsletter Issue. Every newsletter is titled with it’s published date and subject line. I keep the current month on top of those dates so it’s easier for me to view. You can see March on the top of that image. Nice and...